Launch WRE App


WRE Web App

WRE’s design team is constantly developing our Web App. During this process we keep the following three targets in mind: keep it simple, keep it intuitive, and produce a powerful product for our customers.

What to Expect:

  1. Fetch wind data from over 30,000 data sources around the world.
  2. Visualise this data by producing customisable wind distribution graphs and wind rose diagrams overlaid on satellite images.
  3. Download your graphs as scalable vector graphics (SVGs) or image files.
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WRE v1.7

WRE v1.7 has been downloaded by over 500 customers all over the world. It has been designed for the user who has access to their own wind speed data.

What to Expect:

The software is written in visual basic and will guide you through 3 key steps:

  1. Data entry and basic wind rose diagram options;
  2. Detailed wind rose diagram customization;
  3. Exporting your final diagrams are highly customisable;
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What is different about WRE+?

For those who do not want to use meteorological data, WRE+ offers a greater degree of flexibility when it comes to designing and labelling your wind rose diagram.

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