Launch WRE App

WRE Web App

WRE’s design team is constantly developing our Web App. During this process we keep the following three targets in mind: keep it simple, keep it intuitive, and produce a powerful product for our customers.

What to Expect:

  1. Fetch wind data from over 30,000 data sources around the world.
  2. Visualise this data by producing customisable wind distribution graphs and wind rose diagrams overlaid on satellite images.
  3. Download your graphs as scalable vector graphics (SVGs) or image files.
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One subscription pays for your entire company:

WRE’s design team is constantly developing our Web App. During this process we keep the following three targets in mind: keep it simple, keep it intuitive, and produce a powerful product for our customers.

Sharing Data Analytics:

Users can share their projects with other users within your company. In addition, groups can be formed to share projects with individuals outside of your company.

Customer Support:

We are a small company with a very niche product. As such we enjoy close, supportive relationships with our customers. Every page within the web app has a support icon. When clicked, this automatically tells us where you are within the web app. We then require a simple explanation of your problem. We will then aim to provide a solution within 1 - 20 hours, depending on your time zone